All About Alpacas

Produced By:

PIEFA, Primezone, AgriFutures Australia, and Australian Alpaca Association


NSW, Qld, Vic, SA, WA, TAS, NT

Aimed at:

Grade 0

- 10

Curriculum 9.0:

AC9TDE2K03, AC9SFU01, AC9SFI03, AC9S1U01, AC9S1U02, AC9TDE4K03, AC9S3U01, AC9S3I04, AC9M3M01, AC9M4M01, AC9HS3S02, AC9S5U01, AC9S5H02, AC9S5I04, AC9S6U01, AC9TDE6K03, AC9TDE8K04, AC9S7U01, AC9TDE8K01, AC9TDE8K04, AC9TDE10K04, AC9TDE8K01, AC9TDE8K04, AC9TDE8P05, AC9TDE10K01, AC9TDE10K04, AC9TDE8K01, AC9TDE8K04, AC9TDE10K01, AC9TDE10K04

Lesson Type:



alpacas, learning, agriculture, stock, animals

All About Alpacas


In these resources, students will explore alpacas, including their classification, relationships to other animals, and uses on farms. They’ll learn about the needs of alpacas, the seasonal tasks on a farm and engage in hands-on activities that foster discussion, problem-solving, and information organisation. The lessons also focus on the life cycle, adaptations, and the process of converting alpaca fibre into products for sale.

Foundation to Year 2 | All About Alpacas

Teaching guide: Lesson 1 (F-2) All about Alpacas

Student worksheets: Lesson 1 (F-2) Student Worksheets – All about Alpacas

Year 3 to Year 4 | The Life of an Alpaca

Teaching guide: Lesson 2 (Y3-4) The Life of an Alpaca

Student worksheets: Lesson 2 (Y3-4) Student Worksheets – The Life of an Alpaca

Year 5 to Year 6 | Alpacas from Farm to Fibre

Teaching guide: Lesson 3 (Y5-6) Alpacas from Farm to Fibre

Student worksheets: Lesson 3 (Y5-6) Student Worksheets – Alpacas from Farm to Fibre


In these resources, students will learn about the introduction and value of alpacas in Australia. They’ll explore their similarities and differences to other camelids, classify them using a dichotomous key, and study their digestive features and nutritional needs. Comparisons between suri and huacaya breeds and their fleece classification will be made. Sustainability considerations in the alpaca industry, processing of fibre and meat, animal welfare, emerging technologies, and rewarding career opportunities will also be covered.

Lesson 1 | Alpacas

Teaching guide: Lesson 1 (Y7-10) Alpacas

Student worksheet: Lesson 1 Student Worksheets (Y7-10) Alpacas

Lesson 2 | Sustainable Australian Alpacas

Teaching guide: Lesson 2 (Y7-10) Alpacas – Sustainable Australian Alpacas

Student worksheet: Lesson 2 Student Worksheets (Y7-10) – Sustainable Australian Alpacas

Lesson 3 | Alpacas and the Marketing and Supply Chain

Teaching guide: Lesson 3 (Y7-10) Alpacas – Alpacas and the Marketing and Supply Chain

Student worksheet: Lesson 3 Student Worksheets (Y7-10) – Alpacas and the Marketing and Supply Chain

Lesson 4 | Technology, Careers and Alpacas

Teaching guide: Lesson 4 (Y7-10) Alpacas – Technology, Careers and Alpacas

Student worksheet: Lesson 4 Student Worksheets (Y7-10) – Technology, Careers and Alpacas

Card Game – Year 5 to 10

By participating in a hands-on card game, students will learn to sequence the process of converting fibre from alpacas on a farm into an end product suitable for sale. Additionally, they will gain an understanding of technologies and the careers involved in the supply chain.

Targeted to students from Year 5 to Year 10 (Primary and Secondary), download the printable card game, instructions, card sheet and box template below to print and play in your classroom!

Instructions | Alpaca Cards | Alpacas Card Sheet | Alpaca Card Box

These resources have been co-developed by the Primary Industries Education Foundation of Australia, Primezone, AgriFutures Australia, and the Australian Alpaca Association.