August 2, 2020

Where is Food and fibre in the Curriculum?


The Australian Curriculum addresses learning about food and fibre production in two ways:

  • in content descriptions as in F–6/7 HASS/Geography, Science and Technologies, noting that in Technologies there will be a stronger inclusion than in the other two areas
  • where it is identified in content elaborations in other learning areas, such as Mathematics.

The scope of learning in food and fibre reflects relevant content from across the Australian Curriculum.

The Australian Curriculum Connection: Food and fibre provides a framework for all young Australians to understand and value primary industries both across learning areas and specifically within the Technologies learning area as a technologies context in core learning across Foundation to Year 8 and as additional learning opportunities offered by states and territories in Years 9–10

The food and fibre connection has been presented in bands of schooling. In Foundation – Year 6, the connection is described as learning about producing food and fibre. In Years 7–10, it is described as food and fibre production.

Click here to read the full report!