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ResourceSmart Schools | Program
ResourceSmart Schools is a free program offered by Sustainability Victoria that supports Victorian schools to embed sustainability across the school facilities, community and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.
Schools join the program, then have access to an online portal (ResourceSmart Schools online), where they learn and practice ways to integrate sustainability.
The ResourceSmart Schools program provides practical support to schools to reduce resource use, make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond the school gate.
ResourceSmart Schools | Awards
Each year, schools registered with the RSS program are able to nominate for a number of award categories. Finalists are then invited to an awards ceremony at the MCG. The awards booklet showcases each of the finalists and the winner of each of the award categories. It’s a really good representation of what is possible for schools to achieve when they decide to be a part of the RSS program.
Download the RSS Awards Brochure here
More RSS Awards information can be found here
ResourceSmart Schools | Events
Learn more about upcoming events organised by Sustainability Victoria and the ResourceSmart Schools program.
More Events information can be found here