Why Do We Need the Ocean?

Produced By:



Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 9

- 10

Curriculum 9.0:

Lesson Type:



MSC, sustainability, ocean ecosystem, marine biome, overfishing, sustainable fishing, global food security, fishing pressure, fishing fleet, marine protected areas, food security

Why Do We Need the Ocean?

Embark on a journey to discover the hidden depths of the ocean in this enlightening 40-60 minute lesson! Designed for students aged 14 and up, this lesson will give learners an in-depth look at the vital role that the ocean plays in our world and the complex global fishing activities that occur every day.

From learning about the pressures of overfishing and the delicate balance of the ocean ecosystem, to exploring the reasons why the ocean is so essential to our lives, this lesson is packed with exciting information and thought-provoking discussions.

Get ready to broaden your horizons and dive into the world of ocean conservation! This lesson is a must-have for any student looking to gain a deeper understanding of the role that humans play in this delicate ecosystem and the impact that our actions can have on the ocean and its inhabitants.

And that’s not all! In addition to the lessons, this experience includes interactive activities and engaging exercises that encourage learners to think critically and engage with the material. So, why wait? Join the journey and discover the fascinating world of the ocean today!