Rice is Rice, Right?

Produced By:



Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 3

- 5

Curriculum 9.0:


Lesson Type:



corteva, rice, husk, similarities, inquiry, process, cook, observation, differences

Rice is Rice, Right?

This exciting lesson plan is a great way for teachers to introduce students in grades 3-5 to the world of agriculture and food science. With a focus on rice, this teacher resource from NSTA and Corteva Agriscience provides a hands-on and interactive experience for students to learn about different types of rice, their similarities, and differences.

To start, students will be asked to reflect on their own experiences with rice and share any knowledge they have about the dish. This conversation will set the stage for a discussion about the different types of rice found around the world, how they are used in different cultures, and their unique characteristics.

Next, students will be divided into groups and given sets of different rice samples to observe and record their observations. Using hand lenses, students will examine the shape, color, size, and texture of each sample, documenting their findings in their science notebooks.

The lesson plan includes a discussion of the three classifications of rice: long grain, medium grain, and short grain. Students will learn what defines each type and understand how they are different from one another. This is a great way to engage students in a hands-on, real-world application of science and nutrition concepts.

This lesson plan is an excellent teacher resource that provides a comprehensive, interactive experience for students to learn about the fascinating world of rice.