PIEFA Food & Fibre | Card Game

Produced By:




Aimed at:

Grade 5

- 10

Curriculum 9.0:

AC9TDE6K03, AC9TDE6P01, AC9S5H02, Ac9S6H02, AC9HS5S02, AC9HS6S02, AC9TDE8K01, AC9TDE8K04, AC9TDE8P01, AC9TDE8P01, AC9TDE10K04

Lesson Type:



card game, supply chain, instructions, curriculum, sequencing, careers, production, processing, flowchart, jobs

PIEFA Food & Fibre | Card Game

The Supply Chain Flowchart


By participating in an engaging, hands-on card game, students will learn to sequence the process of converting food and fibre into end products suitable for sale. 

Additionally, they will gain an understanding of careers, technologies, and sustainable measures involved in the supply chain (available with selected card game sets).


> Step game cards

> Arrow game cards

> Career game cards (available with selected card game sets)

> Technology game cards (available with selected card game sets)

> Sustainability game cards (available with selected card game sets)

Additional requirements:

> Approximately 2 – 4 players.

> Butchers paper and markers. 

> PIEFA Food and Fibre Card Game | The Supply Chain Game Cards (printed, cut into individual cards and preferably laminated).


To create a flowchart of the supply chain in the correct order. 


  1. Players create a flowchart on butchers paper using markers, showing the journey of food or fibre from the farm to an end product.
  2. Players include the name of the step or process in the supply chain and use arrows between each step to show the path of the product.
  3. Players place all the step, and arrow game cards face up and sort them into two piles. (Remove and reserve the career, technology and sustainability cards if included in the card game set).
  4. Players collaborate and organise the cards into a supply chain by placing the step game cards into their sequential order and arranging the arrow game cards between each step to create a supply chain flowchart.
  5. Players check answers with their teacher.

Career | Technology | Sustainability Game Cards

Selected card games may include additional cards for use/design and may be used to extend learning opportunities. 

Example extension 1 – Careers

  1. Players take the career cards from the reserved cards.
  2. Using the completed flowchart, place the career game cards adjacent (next to) to the step they are associated with on the completed flowchart.
  3. Design a card for another career related to the supply chain by filling in the provided areas of the blank template (or creating a template) and cutting them out. Players can use the other game cards as a model for their design. 
  4. Place the newly designed career card adjacent to the step associated with the career on the flowchart.

Example extension 2 – Technology

  1. Players take the technology cards from the reserved cards.
  2. Research a technology used in any part of the supply chain to improve productivity, speed up a job, produce a higher quality product, etc. 
  3. Design additional technology cards using the templates and cut them out using the supplied cards as a model. Include a description of the technology, a picture, and an explanation of how the technology is advantageous on each card template.
  4. Using the completed flowchart, place the newly designed technology game cards adjacent (next to) to the step it is associated with on the supply chain.

Example extension 3 – Sustainability

  1. Players take the sustainability cards from the reserved cards.
  2. Research a sustainable focus used in any part of the supply chain. 
  3. Using the supplied cards as a model, design additional sustainability cards using the templates and cut them out. Include a description of the sustainable approach, a picture, and an explanation of how the sustainability focus is advantageous on each card template.
  4. Using the completed flowchart, place the newly designed sustainability game cards adjacent (next to) to the step it is associated with on the supply chain.