Finding Farms (Video and worksheet)

Produced By:



Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 5

- 6

Curriculum 9.0:

AC9HS5K05, AC9TDE6K03, AC9M5M01

Lesson Type:



lobster, sustainability, size, limits, catch, fish, technology, PIEFA resource, worksheets

Finding Farms (Video and worksheet)

This video resource looks at the Lobster fishing.

Video in review: Mark Denton is a Professional Rock Lobster Fisherman in Robe, SA. It is important to time when there is allowed fishing, and how they find fish using technology. There are strict size limits and females with eggs are returned – ensuring sustainability. There is a grading of lobsters and then they are put in to holding tanks. The tank temperatures are at levels to keep lobsters happy/stress free. Core market is China, with 95% live export.

Download student worksheet

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Teacher to Teacher Video:

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