Farming in ancient societies

Produced By:


Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 7

- 7

Curriculum 9.0:

Lesson Type:



farming, food, fibre, production, history

Farming in ancient societies

Year 7 History – The development of farming in Ancient Societies and the Technologies used in Food and Fibre Production

History Skills – Content Description:

  • Sequence historical events, developments and periods (ACHHS205)

Historical knowledge and understanding – Content Description:

  • Key features of ancient societies (farming, trade, social classes, religion, rule of law) (ACOKFH003)

This resource aims to engage students in understanding the changes that have occurred in agriculture by discussing what they already may know about the role of technology in affecting change in agricultural practice. Students will explore how farming was a key feature in ancient societies and led to the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to permanent settlements and that changes in farming practices facilitated this change.

Teacher Guide – Farming in Ancient Societies (3MB PDF)
Teacher Guide – Farming in Ancient Societies (2MB Docx)
Source 1 – Settling in Villages (152KB Docx)
Technology Cards – Timeline of technology in Agriculture (1MB PDF)
Technology Cards – Timeline of technology in Agriculture (22KB)