October 31, 2022

PIEFA visits Tasmania | October 2022

PIEFA visits TAS Oct 2022

PIEFA’s Board of Directors held their October board meeting and AGM at Hagley Farm School in Tasmania last week. Established in 1855, Hagley Farm School has three unique elements: A Primary School of 380 students; a commercial farm on 68Ha; and a Field Studies Centre visited by up to 6,000 students and adults each year.

Directors received a warm welcome from the team at Hagley and appreciated the opportunity to visit.

Whilst in Tasmania, PIEFA’s CEO, Luciano Mesiti, presented at two teacher professional development workshops at Jordan River Farm School and Hagley Farm School. Through the TFGA Kids to Farms program, Tasmanian teachers were given the opportunity to learn about food and fibre education through the Australian Curriculum.

Luciano was also a speaker at the Tasmanian Agricultural Education Network event, about careers in agriculture.