November 1, 2022

PIEFA’s National Ag Week 2022!

National Ag Day 2022 will take place on Friday, November 18. Always a highlight on PIEFA’s calendar, we’ve turned National Ag Day into National Ag Week (again) – from November 14 to 18!

This year, we’re offering several opportunities for educators and students across Australia to get involved and celebrate the importance of agricultural education.

Available to download now, our DIGITAL TEACHER KITS have been created as a step-by-step guide to implement a variety of food and fibre Farmer Time lessons into you classroom. Kits include Farmer Time videos, student activities and worksheet. Access the primary and secondary Digital Kits here with plenty of time to prep before Ag Day on November 18

On the 15th and 18th of November, food and fibre producers and industry representatives will be online to provide information for students, carers and educators on the different career pathways in agriculture. We’ve secured some outstanding people in ag for our LIVE AG CAREERS PANELS. Make sure you register to hear real stories from people in the ag industry.

SESSION ONE: Tuesday, November 15 @ 2:00pm | SESSION TWO: Friday, November 18 @ 10:45am

Finally, for teachers looking to ramp-up their food and fibre content in the classroom, our LIVE TEACHER PD session will take place on Tuesday, November 15 at 4:30pm (AEDST). Targeted to secondary teachers, this online teacher professional development session will showcase Primezone resources and the Farmer Time program, helping you to build confidence in the classroom to deliver food and fibre content.

All of PIEFA’s National Ag Week events are FREE and available to register/download now!

In addition, the National Farmers Federation is running a series of events to celebrate National Ag Day. Celebrating innovation in agriculture, National Agriculture Day is your chance to celebrate and learn about Australia’s incredible farm sector. You can get involved by hosting a lunch, entering the photo/video competition, wearing an AgDay t-shirt or attending an event. Find out more here: