National Ag Week 2023

At PIEFA, its #AgDayAU every day!

From November 13 to 17, 2023, we will celebrate National Ag Day with a week-long series of resources to engage teachers and students in Australian food and fibre education. This year we’re celebrating STEM and Innovation in Food and Fibre Production!

PIEFA developed a new Digital Learning Kit to support primary and secondary educators in delivering meaningful learning experiences that explore technology/innovation in Australian food and fibre.

The Kit has been split into 12 industry-specific PDF downloads:

In each PDF, teachers can access a series of short Australian Curriculum-aligned videos and accompanying student worksheets that celebrate STEM and innovation in food and fibre production. The resources link to primary and secondary curriculum – from Foundation through to Year 10 (find a list of relevant Australian Curriculum codes in the PDF).

To piece together this resource, our team have interviewed 22 people who work in a variety and agriculture, food and fibre industries, from forestry to fisheries, dairy, beef, horticulture, grains, eggs, pork, cotton, cane and wine. Students will learn about ground-breaking technology and innovation in our primary industries, like Luke Chaplain’s SkyKelpie drone that helps with mustering cattle; the Capture Actual Time technology Amanda uses to measure the weight of the fruit on the vines in her vineyard; and Matt’s use of blockchain technology to digitally trace Australian sugar from paddock-to-packet.

To complement the above Digital Learning Kit, PIEFA conducted several online Careers Panels with professionals working in the primary industries sector. These sessions were recorded and are available to access via YouTube now!

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia, in collaboration with Australian Eggs, has produced a pre-recorded careers panel for students in years 7-12.

The careers panel provides an opportunity for students to hear from two innovators working to improve the social, economic and environmental sustainability of Australia’s egg industry. Throughout the session, panellists shared their stories, providing insights into the diverse opportunities and pathways to careers in agriculture and offering practical advice for people interested in pursuing a role in the sector.

Access recording here:

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia, in collaboration with Meat & Livestock Australia, has produced a pre-recorded careers panel for students in years 7-12.

The panel provides an opportunity for students to hear from three innovators working to improve the social, economic and environmental sustainability of Australia’s Red Meat Industry. Throughout the session, panellists shared their stories, providing insights into the diverse opportunities and pathways to careers in agriculture, and offering practical advice for people interested in pursuing a role in the sector.

Access recording here:



Primezone is the home of more than 600 curriculum-aligned food and fibre education resources – available all year round.




Career Harvest is a one-stop shop to discover rewarding careers in food & fibre. If you’re looking for a platform to help navigate the pathways to start (or change) careers in the primary industries, head to Career Harvest now!

You’ll find information on the AgCAREERSTART gap year program, scholarships, courses, job boards – plus videos of people working in various food and fibre industries, explaining their own career pathways. GO TO CAREER HARVEST

Discover other ways to get involved in Ag Day activities at!