ResourceSmart Schools

Produced By:

Sustainability Victoria



Aimed at:

Grade 0

- k

Curriculum 9.0:

Lesson Type:



ResourceSmart Schools

ResourceSmart Schools is an award-winning Victorian Government program that assists schools to embed sustainability in everything they do.

The ResourceSmart Schools program provides practical support to schools to reduce resource use, make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond the school gate.

Since 2008, more than 1,600 schools have participated in the program. Together, they have:

  • saved more than $45 million on bills
  • planted 5.3 million trees
  • saved more than 110,000 tonnes CO2e greenhouse gas emissions
  • diverted 155,000 cubic metres of waste from landfill
  • saved 1.6 million kilolitres of water.

Program features

  • Facilitation and support
    Sustainability experts support schools on their journey to embed sustainability into operations and provide support on how to measure and track their school’s progress. The service is free and open to every Victorian school.
  • Recognition
    Schools can receive Sustainability Certification and can enter the ResourceSmart Schools Awards to be recognised and rewarded for school activities and achievements.
  • Savings
    Schools learn to operate more sustainably; reducing costs to save on electricity, water and waste bills – and greenhouse gas emissions to minimise their impact on the environment.
  • Flexibility
    Schools work through the ResourceSmart Schools program and create a unique environmental management system tailored to their needs.
  • Curriculum
    Schools are assisted to embed sustainability into all learning areas and levels of the Victorian curriculum.

Get started

Getting started in the ResourceSmart Schools program is easy. Schools have access to a community of sustainability experts located throughout Victoria equipped with the knowledge, skills and resources to help each school get started.

Schools are connected to sustainability networks and programs to become a more sustainable school. Any Victorian school can become a ResourceSmart School.

The first step is to register your interest. Once a school registers interest, a Regional Coordinator will make contact to provide more information on the ResourceSmart Schools program.

Click here to get started.