Producing Pollinators for Improved Orchard Yields

Produced By:




Aimed at:

Grade 7

- 8

Curriculum 9.0:

TE4-1DP, TE4-2DP, TE4-3DP, TE4-5AG, TE4-6FO, TE4-10TS, AC9TDE8K04)

Lesson Type:



bees, pollinators, orchard, habitat, biosecurity, insectiary, insect, native, horticulture, entomology, crop

Producing Pollinators for Improved Orchard Yields

Where would we be without bees (and other pollinators)? This resource for years 7-8 will introduce students to the importance of pollinators for improving orchard yields, human management of bees for orchard pollination and the impacts of farm management on the sustainability of a farm enterprise.

This resource consists of 3 activities (and optional extension activities), worksheets and answer guide. These activities will build students’ vocabulary and knowledge around pollinators and their impact on food production, assist them to develop ideas to solve existing problems, and design and build their own pollinator habitat box.