Lunchbox Legends – video

Produced By:

Agriculture in Education


Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 3

- 6

Curriculum 9.0:


Lesson Type:



food products, agriculture, occupations, meals, career

Lunchbox Legends – video

Lunchbox Legends the people behind your lunch

This is a video about the various occupations involved in developing and producing the food used in a ham and salad lunch roll. The video is presented by Will, a primary-school-aged boy, who identifies and describes nine occupations in several broad groups including researchers, growers of plant food; producers of animal products; and transport professionals. Will’s commentary includes jokes, riddles and hyperbolic vocabulary, as well as questions and comments directly addressed to the viewer. It is supported by animated illustrations. The video lasts for 4:41min and ends with Will suggesting viewers might like to take up one of the occupations and become ‘a legend in your own lunchbox’.

Lunchbox Legends – Transcript (1.7MB)
Lunchbox Legends – Transcript (200KB)