Investigate: Fire Ants | NSW DPI

Produced By:

NSW Department of Primary Industries


Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 5

- 6

Curriculum 9.0:

AC9E5LY06, AC9E6LY06, AC9S5U01, AC9S6U01, AC9S6H02, ACSHE100

Lesson Type:



investigation, experiment, science, technology, scientist, biosecurity, communication, agriculture, pest, NSW, syllabus, investigate, ants, insects, inquiry, garden

Investigate: Fire Ants | NSW DPI

Investigate: fire ants involves designing and completing an investigation to check your school for fire ants.

You will learn about and research biosecurity measures and the red imported fire ant in order to design and test a lure to attract ants and fire ants. Analysing your results will enable you to determine whether fire ants are present in your school. Reporting on your results will involve creating a communication product to inform and educate others in your school about fire ants and your results.

Click to download ‘Investigate: fire ants‘ unit